Tag: Unwanted programs

Taskbarify Unwanted Application

Taskbarify is unwanted software (like a Movidown)that claims it is a tiny…

Stephanie Adlam


PUABundler:Win32/uTorrent_BundleInstaller is a Microsoft Defender detection that is associated with the installer…

Stephanie Adlam


PUABundler:Win32/FusionCore is a designation that Microsoft Defender Antivirus uses to detect and…

Stephanie Adlam

PUA:Win32/PCMechanic – PC Mechanic Plus Removal Guide

PUA:Win32/PCMechanic is a detection associated with the potentially unwanted application. This pseudo…

Stephanie Adlam


Misleading:Win32/Lodi is Microsoft Defender's detection of potentially dangerous software. It makes misleading…

Stephanie Adlam


PUABundler:Win32/PiriformBundler is the detection of an unwanted program, developed and issued by…

Stephanie Adlam

Aluc Service: What Is Aluc Appliaction & How to Remove?

Aluc Service is a strange service you can spectate in the Task…

Stephanie Adlam

MSIL/Microsoft.Bing.A Detection (BingWallpaper.exe)

A lot of users on different forums complain about MSIL/Microsoft.Bing.A detection in…

Stephanie Adlam

What is the worst computer virus? Figuring out

Worst computer virus - what is it? Seems that anyone who has…

Stephanie Adlam

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