How can hackers crack your router?

Do you think that you are protected from hackers? Of course, you are using a wireless access point with encryption. You are wrong! pull your password from the air!

There are 4 things, that hackers hope you won’t find out

  1. WEP encryption is unworkable for protecting your wireless network.

    WEP (stands for Wired Equivalent Privacy – is one of the security algorithms for wireless networks) just give users a false sense of security that can be easily cracked in a minute.
    Even a novice hacker can break down a WEP password within minutes which proves it a useless piece of protection.
    If you have an old router and have never changed your encryption from WEP to the advanced and more powerful WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access II is a security protocol and security certification program that secures wireless computer networks) security you are in danger. Switching your router to WPA2 is a very simple process. More details about how you do this can be found on your router manufacturer’s website.

  2. Using the router’s MAC filter to avoid unknown devices from joining your network is inefficient and easy to hack.

    Each IP-based hardware has its own hard-coded MAC address in the network interface. Most routers give you the option of permitting or denying network access based on the device’s MAC address. Then router investigates the MAC address of any device requesting access and matches it with a list of permitted or denied MACs. This appears to be a great security hurdle but the problem is that hackers can fake the MAC into accepting one, which has been pre-approved.

  3. Switching off your wireless router’s remote administration feature can be a very efficient way to make your data safe from hackers.

    Most routers have a setting that gives you the option to administer the router with a wireless connection. What does this function mean? It’s that you have an access to all of the router’s settings without using the computer that you registered into the router using an Internet cable. This is very convenient for a user, it is also very convenient for a hacker. We recommend you turn off this remote access and change the security settings so you need a physical ‘hard-wired,’ connection to the network.

  4. If you use public hotspots you are the perfect victim of hacker and hijacking attacks.

    Hackers can use programs like Firesheep and AirJack to do “man-in-the-middle” attacks where they incorporate themselves into the wireless chat between sender and receiver. Once they have included themselves in the communication, they can see all your account passwords and have an access to your e-mails, etc.
    We recommend you to read our article How to use Wi-Fi for free and keep your data private.

So how to keep your PC safe?

  • First of all, create a difficult password and change it regularly. Use a long enough (12 characters at least) password that includes numbers, symbols, capital letters, and lower-case letters.
  • Ask someone to hack your site or device so you can identify weaknesses.
  • Regularly update your software, because new versions have a stronger security system.
  • Choose a strong anti-malware program for your PC so it can protect you from malware programs and data breaches. GridinSoft Anti-Malware will protect you and keep devices and information safe.

By Polina Lisovskaya

I have been working as a marketing manager for many years and I like to look for interesting topics for you

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