Rorschach Archives – Gridinsoft Blog Welcome to the Gridinsoft Blog, where we share posts about security solutions to keep you, your family and business safe. Thu, 06 Apr 2023 10:40:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 200474804 Rorschach Ransomware Analysis Thu, 06 Apr 2023 10:40:09 +0000 Recent research from the CheckPoint Research team revealed a new ransomware sample that can potentially beat all samples currently present on the market. They coined it Rorschach, and already say that its unique properties can make it dominant ransomware pretty quickly. We told about this malware in a recent news post, and now it’s time… Continue reading Rorschach Ransomware Analysis

The post Rorschach Ransomware Analysis appeared first on Gridinsoft Blog.

Recent research from the CheckPoint Research team revealed a new ransomware sample that can potentially beat all samples currently present on the market. They coined it Rorschach, and already say that its unique properties can make it dominant ransomware pretty quickly. We told about this malware in a recent news post, and now it’s time for a more detailed analysis.

Rorschach Ransomware Uses DLL Sideloading

One of the most unusual properties of a new ransomware sample is the way it hooks up in the infected system. On a test system, malware used a DLL sideloading technique to load its own libraries. This approach is also called DLL search order hijacking, as it exploits the mechanism used in Windows to allocate the libraries needed to solve the dependencies. In the case of Rorschach, malware calls for the copy of a genuine winutils.dll library using the Palo Alto Network’s Cortex XDR Dump Service Tool. Using it does not trigger anti-malware engines, as it already belongs to one. Attempting to stay as low as possible is not new for hackers, but this method is groundbreaking.

Rorschach launch scheme

Using the cy.exe (the process of the mentioned Dump Service Tool), malware loads a spoofed instance of winutils.dll, that actually contains the payload. The library is getting unpacked and spawns the config.ini file. Then, the latter is used together with the part of the previous .dll file to create the exact ransomware process. Researchers witnessed the name notepad.exe, however, it is obvious that all the names may change from one attack to another.

Detection evasion

As any other advanced malware sample, Rorschach uses a line of anti-detection tricks. Aside from exploiting the legit tool to call for a library, it spawns processes in a suspended mode. To make the analysis even harder, it gives the processes falsified arguments – rows of number “1”. Each row corresponds to a specific command, which is parsed on run, resulting in normal execution. Commonly for malware from ex-USSR countries, Rorschach will refuse to run in a system that contains specific system languages.

Rorschach lang banlist
Banlist of languages used by Rorschach

To make any post-factum analysis harder or even impossible, malware wipes all the event journals by sending the corresponding command to wevutil.exe. Additionally, it gets rid of Volume Shadow Copies – the default Windows backup method that copies system volume. To ensure that nothing will stop malware from execution, it stops a list of services from running using net.exe stop command. All these things, however, are not new: most other ransomware samples do the same trick to make any recovery or investigation more complicated.

List of suspended processes and services

sql.exe wrapper.exe dbsrv12.exe
oracle.exe WinSAT.exe encsvc.exe
ocssd.exe mydesktopservice.exe firefox.exe
dbsnmp.exe ocautoupds.exe tbirdconfig.exe
synctime.exe mydesktopqos.exe dbeng50.exe
agntsvc.exe ocomm.exe sqbcoreservice.exe
isqlplussvc.exe steam.exe thebat.exe
xfssvccon.exe powerpnt.exe infopath.exe
winword.exe excel.exe outlook.exe
wordpad.exe msaccess.exe mspub.exe
visio.exe onenote.exe thunderbird.exe
stc_raw_agent RTVscan QBCFMonitorService
sql QBFCService zhudongfangyu
svc$ QBIDPService YooBackup
memtas Intuit.QuickBooks.FCS VSNAPVSS
mepocs vss PDVFSService
sophos VeeamTransportSvc BackupExecVSSProvider
backup VeeamDeploymentService AcrSch2Svc
GxCIMgr VeeamNFSSvc BackupExecAgentAccelerator
DefWatch BackupExecAgentBrowser BackupExecDiveciMediaService
ccEvtMgr BackupExecJobEngine BackupExecRPCService
ccSetMgr BackupExecManagementService AcronisAgent
SavRoam CASAD2DWebSvc CAARCUpdateSvc

Self-spreading approach

Here things are back to strange and unusual. Rorschach malware is able to take advantage of infecting the Domain Controller – the key component of any network. If this ransomware detects itself running on a DC, it prepares the environment for spreading itself to other devices by adding its files to the script folder. Then, malware creates a Group Policy that allows malware to copy itself to the %Public% folder of all machines in the network. Finally, it uses taskkill.exe utility to stop the processes we mentioned above on the subordinary machines as well. After that, Rorschach creates another group policy that makes it run on the user logon.

Still, something similar was already detected in LockBit 2.0 samples. An infamous ransomware gang uses pretty much the same trick to infect the network after breaching the DC. Same as LockBit gang’s brainchild, Rorschach performs self-destruction after finishing the encryption process. That makes investigating the attack even harder. However, there is one thing Rorschach overwhelmed LockBit in – encryption speed.

Encryption Methods

Usually, ransomware applies RSA-1024/2048, AES-256 and their derivatives – pretty standard symmetrical cryptography. These algorithms are good and reliable, but require significant computational power. Otherwise, it will take a pretty long time to cipher a large array of files – a typical situation during ransomware attacks. Some samples rely on multi-threading to increase the encryption speed, but the most advanced gangs switch to elliptic-curve cryptography (ECC) and decrease the file portion to encrypt.

Rorschach is among them, using a combination of hc-128 and curve25519. The former, actually, is not elliptic, but that adds even more problems to attempts of deciphering it. Moreover, 128-bit encryption is faster to implement. The resulting cipher is applied only to a small part of the file – which makes the process even faster. As a result, Rorschach is able to cipher the sample of 220 thousand files in 4.5 minutes. Even LockBit 3.0, which boasted of extreme encryption speed, spends around 7 minutes for the same purpose.

Relation to other ransomware gangs

At this point, there is no information about the use of Rorschach ransomware by any threat actors or cybercrime gangs. Yet for sure, it may change soon – considering its advancements over other ransomware samples. Despite no clear relations, the ransomware still shares several elements with samples present on the market.

Rorchach and Babuk encryption
Code responsible for encryption in Rorschach and Babuk ransomware

First and foremost, its codebase has common elements with Babuk ransomware. It is not the first case when it is used, as the source code of this ransomware was leaked back in July 2021. The way malware manages itself through the processor threads and code responsible for weeding out launches in ex-USSR was definitely borrowed from LockBit 2.0. Meanwhile, ransom note shares some sections with DarkSide and Yanluowang ransomware.

Rorschach ransom note
Ransom note generated by Rorschach ransomware

How dangerous is Rorschach?

Most definitely, it may become a new favourite on the market. Currently, the most successful ransomware group is LockBit – because of the efficiency of the software they use in attacks. It can not only cipher the files extremely fast, but also extract them to the external storage in order to perform double extortion. Rorschach already beats LockBit 3.0 in ciphering speed; create a faster data extraction way, and you’d get an absolute dominator.

Ransomware attacks remain a №1 threat for companies. Average ransom sizes peaked at $400,000 and are unlikely to go down, especially considering that more and more victims avoid paying ransom. Hackers will ask for more and more money to compensate quantity with quality – a common tactic of theirs. Data may be restored in this or another way, but no one will prevent it from getting published in the Darknet or elsewhere. The only way to avoid all these problems is to protect your organisation from attacks of all kinds.

Average ransom stats
Average ransom payment statistics. Q1 2023 is likely going to set a new record.

How to protect against ransomware?

Use a security solution that features a zero-trust policy. Only a zero-trust approach towards scanning, and all other features that are meant under zero-trust policy can effectively repel exploitation hazards, like the one we mentioned above. Moreover, it will additionally protect from zero-day vulnerabilities – considering that they’re pretty hard to counter in any other way.

Protect the internal network. Any malware cannot work properly without a callback to the C2 server. Giving it no chance to do that, in addition to making it troublesome to at least introduce one to your network will work out pretty well. Network Detection and Response solutions will not only secure your network connections, but also provide all the information needed to examine each attack (or its attempt).

Update your software as often as possible. I mentioned using zero-trust anti-malware programs as a remedy, but it is better to not give malware a chance at all. Software vendors release minor updates with bug fixes and vulnerability patches pretty often, so consider installing them. Currently, most breaches that happened with the use of vulnerability exploitation happen because of the use of an outdated program version. Don’t be the enemy for yourself!

Be careful with files that come from the Internet. Most often, people consider files from email inbox safe – and that is the key mistake. A huge amount of attacks were carried out through infected email attachments – and this sad statistics are going only up with time. Files downloaded from third-party websites are not safe as well, and should be scanned before launching.

The post Rorschach Ransomware Analysis appeared first on Gridinsoft Blog.

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Rorschach’s New Ransomware Is Named the Fastest to Date Thu, 06 Apr 2023 08:38:06 +0000 Check Point analysts have discovered a new ransomware, Rorschach ransomware that has already been used to attack an unnamed American company. This malware is notable for its extremely high speed of file encryption and the fact that it is deployed using a signed component of commercial security software. Check Point calls this threat “one of… Continue reading Rorschach’s New Ransomware Is Named the Fastest to Date

The post Rorschach’s New Ransomware Is Named the Fastest to Date appeared first on Gridinsoft Blog.


Check Point analysts have discovered a new ransomware, Rorschach ransomware that has already been used to attack an unnamed American company.

This malware is notable for its extremely high speed of file encryption and the fact that it is deployed using a signed component of commercial security software.

Check Point calls this threat “one of the fastest ransomware” as Rorschach is even faster than LockBit 3.0.

Let me remind you that we also wrote that New Cuba Ransomware Variant Involves Double-Extortion Scheme, and also that New Pay2Key ransomware encrypts corporate networks in just an hour.

Also the media reported that New Prestige Ransomware Attacks Polish and Ukrainian Organizations.

The researchers say that the ransomware is delivered using a side-loading DLL technique through a signed component in the Cortex XDR in the Palo Alto Networks product. The attackers used the Cortex XDR Dump Service Tool (cy.exe) version to download the Rorschach loader and injector (winutils.dll), which resulted in the config.ini ransomware payload being launched into the Notepad process.

Rorschach launch scheme

It is noted that the loader file is protected from UPX-style analysis, while the main payload is protected from reverse engineering and detection by virtualizing parts of the code using VMProtect.

Check Point experts warn that the ransomware creates a group policy on a Windows domain controller and can independently propagate to other hosts in the domain.

After compromising the victim’s computer, the malware erases four Application, Security, System, and Windows Powershell logs to cover its tracks.

Although Rorschach’s configuration is generally hard-coded, the ransomware supports command-line arguments that greatly enhance its functionality. Below are some of them.

New ransomware Rorschach

Rorschach will start encrypting data only if the infected machine does not work in the language of any of the CIS countries. The encryption scheme combines the curve25519 and eSTREAM hc-128 algorithms, using discontinuous encryption, meaning the malware encrypts files only partially, which increases its speed.

New ransomware Rorschach
Languages that stop malware

The researchers note that the Rorschach encryption procedure demonstrates “a highly efficient implementation of stream distribution through I / O completion ports.”

To determine the speed of Rorschach encryption, experts conducted a test using 220,000 files on a machine with a 6-core processor. It took malware 4.5 minutes to encrypt the data, while LockBit 3.0, until recently considered the fastest ransomware, completed the same task in 7 minutes.

Check Point summarizes that Rorschach appears to have incorporated the best features of some of the leading ransomware programs previously leaked (Babuk, LockBit 2.0, DarkSide).

The post Rorschach’s New Ransomware Is Named the Fastest to Date appeared first on Gridinsoft Blog.

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