Facts to Remember About Trojan Malware

In this article, we will consider one of the vilest, most unpleasant, seemingly harmless, malware. We will present you here all about Trojan1 malware, its types, examples of how to avoid it, and how to defend against it. And if you are already faced with such a problem then read carefully everything that will be presented below.

What Is Trojan Malware?

Trojan malware is a type of malware that targets the user and his device. It’s a piece of code, a program, or even a file that at first glance seems perfectly legal. The name of this pest came from an ancient myth about the Trojan horse, under the guise of which the militia entered the city of Troy and captured it. This virus works on the same principle, it penetrates the device, being inside a completely legitimate software. Their goal is to track the victim, steal data, and distribute additional malware after logging in.

How Do Trojans Work?

The work of this pest is to harm the user’s device as much as possible. This is done in different ways. For example, the way to send letters in malicious links, to which the user only clicks as malicious programs get on his device, also through social engineering, deception, and a thousand similar methods.

Is a Trojan a Virus or Malware?

There is a difference between a virus and a malware. The virus spreads 3 accounts of self-replication, from the victim to the victim, while the Trojans can not get to the victim without the user’s help, the user should install the Trojan on his device and only then he will begin to make his evil intentions. and viruses and malware are pests, but that doesn’t make them the same.

How to Recognize a Trojan Attack

You may think you have no influence over the distribution of Trojan software to your device, but you’re wrong. After all, if you know a couple of the most common signs of a trojan malware attack then you can protect yourself. Below you will see some of them:

  • Your computer feels slow. The computer can slow down because the Trojan virus spreads additional malware when it hits the device. They, in turn, slow down the work of the computer, as they consume a lot of computing resources. To get rid of this simply delete Trojan malware on your PC.
  • Crashes and freezes. After Trojan malware has spread to the user’s device, it starts to reboot the PC and this itself causes a huge number of failures.
  • Unfamiliar apps on your device. To make sure that your PC does not have Trojan Malware, go to Windows Task Manager and see if your PC has any additional malware installed.
  • Internet redirects. Trojans can manipulate your browser by changing the DNS settings. After these changes in settings, you will be redirected to malicious sites, through which pests can steal your data and infect you with additional malware.
  • Changes to your desktop, taskbar, or browser. Malware on your PC can do what it wants. The appearance of new icons on the screen of your computer should also alert you.
  • More pop-ups. A huge number of pop-up windows indicate the penetration of malware on your PC, do not neglect this but try to find and eliminate the threat.

Types of Trojan Malware

Trojan malware in different environments manifests itself differently, so it was divided into types. We will consider the works of different types of pests and understand how to detect and eliminate them.

  1. Backdoor Trojans. These backdoor2 programs are designed to access your computer without your knowledge. The purpose of this program is to monitor the victim, install additional malware and illegal data collection, and more.
  2. Banking Trojans. These pest programs are designed to steal your financial data to log into your accounts. Intruders need to hack into your accounts.
  3. DDoS Trojans. Trojans of this type are interested in involving you in the network botnet. Through which the attacker can remotely control your device. Through this network, a hacker will conveniently distribute DDoS attacks that can disable Internet services and other websites.
  4. Dropper or downloader Trojans. Droppers are in three parts: dropper, boot loader, and other malware. The dropper’s task is to infect the user’s device and prepare the platform for the bootloader, and the bootloader installs a rootkit (additional malware), after which the hacker has access to your device.
  5. Exploit Trojans. This type of malware uses exploits. They aim to infect your computer through vulnerabilities that no one has noticed except the creator.
  6. Fake antivirus Trojans. This is a dangerous type of malware because it requires a security fee that they don’t provide. And when you pay, you give the pest your payment details.
  7. Gaming Trojans. Here the target audience of the pest is gamers. Attackers need gamer data to log into accounts and steal game items.
  8. Infostealer Trojans. Scanning the device is designed for fraud and theft of confidential data.
  9. Instant message Trojans. The harm through this method occurs as follows: IM- Trojans steal data to log into the user account to access the contact list.
  10. Mailfinder Trojans. Cybercriminals steal email addresses to add them to their list of phishing and spam attacks. They often target an application like Microsoft Office.
  11. Ransomware 3Trojans. This program is better called extortionist, as it blocks the user’s device and threatens to delete all data or publish its data to the open network. This is all being done by deceiving them to pay the ransom.
  12. SMS Trojans. Through SMS messages, cybercriminals infect users’ mobile devices. Also, intercept inbox SMS and for other evil intentions.

Examples of Trojan Attacks

There have been many common attacks through malware that have gone down in history. Below we will discuss a few of them.

🔑 Zeus

One of the most famous Trojans is also called a banking Trojan. The purpose of which is to steal financial data. It was first reported in 2007, as the United States Secretary of State was attacked. It works on two methods, which we will present below:

  • Keylogging: this can be called a key recording. Trojan saves the history of your keystrokes.
  • Form grabbing: In this case, your username and passwords are intercepted when you log on to websites. Zeus is also known for infecting millions of computers. It was also the basis of the most famous botnet of all time – Gameover Zeus.

📌 Emotet

One of the most common malware. Originally targeted at banks. Then it began to be used for other malware, after which its target became ordinary and corporate victims. The program is distributed through phishing and spam attacks. Based on this program were also created botnets, which were then rented out. In 2021, law enforcement agencies interrupted the work of this pest.

🔎 Shedun

This is an advertising Trojan. The task of this is to change legal applications with fake advertising software and to place them on third-party portals. After that, you install on your device a quite legitimate application and get a huge amount of advertising software. After that removal is almost impossible with Android devices.

Trojans masquerade as innocent files but start wreaking havoc as soon as they infect your computer. Why should you try Trojan Scanner and Removal Tool?

Can Trojans Affect Mobile Devices?

Trojans can extend to all types of devices and mobile including. They occur on both Android and iOS, but on Android quite often. The GriftHorse Trojan is a Trojan that works via SMS. Infected more than 10 million victims worldwide, it is quite recent. The purpose of this program is to disguise itself as a legitimate application and to receive payments from users in various ways. Namely through victims’ subscriptions to various services.

How to Prevent Trojan Attacks

  1. Download apps and software from official sources. Install apps from known, reliable sources. Such as the Apple App Store and Google Play. Since Trojans are often placed on third-party sites.
  2. Don’t open unknown email attachments or click strange links. Make it a rule not to click on all the links you get in your emails. After all, making threats through email is one of the most popular.
  3. Use an ad blocker or secure browser. Use an ad blocker, as Trojans can work through infected web ads. It will help you prevent downloading any ads that want to get to you in the browser.
  4. Be skeptical of free software. Before you install or download something on your device, read the detailed description of the application and reviews about it.
  5. Don’t click web banners or unfamiliar links. Avoid websites you don’t know, through which Trojans can also distribute malware. Adware is not the only way to distribute malware.
  6. Use an antivirus tool. Install an antivirus app on your device that will protect you from unwanted pests. We recommend that you take advantage of Gridinsoft Trojan Killer, which will scan your data and remove unnecessary threats in your system. It will be your reliable assistant in working with your device. Gridinsoft Trojan Killer will protect your data and prevent the attacker from distributing malware to your PC.

Facts to Remember About Trojan Malware

  1. A Trojan virus is a type of malware that disguises itself as legitimate.
  2. A backdoor is a technique in which a system’s security mechanism is bypassed invisibly to gain access to a computer.
  3. Ransomware injection is one of the most dangerous forms of cyber attacks.

By Stephanie Adlam

I write about how to make your Internet browsing comfortable and safe. The modern digital world is worth being a part of, and I want to show you how to do it properly.

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