Ukrainian fighters against pirates asked Google to block

The TorrentFreak media reports that Vindex, Ukrainian fighters against pirates, representing the interests of TRC Ukraine, sent Google a strange request to remove content from search results.

One of the addresses violating the rights of TRC Ukraine pointed to, that is, the anti-pirates found prohibited content in their own systems.

This week we saw yet another problematic DMCA notice, which is perhaps even worse. TV channel TRK Ukraine asked Google to remove content hosted on the IP-address The TV company’s anti-piracy partner Vindex asked the search engine to remove a search result that points to Tech-savvy people will immediately recognize that the anti-piracy company apparently found copyright-infringing content on its own server.TorrentFreak reports.

Journalists note that under the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) Google processes requests to remove approximately five million URLs every week, and in total, the search giant has already removed more than 5 billion links.

But in efforts to combat piracy, companies often make mistakes and “shoot themselves in the foot”, for example, recently the service Toomics asked Google to remove dangerous URLs of its own website from the results.

A similar situation has now occurred with the request of the Ukrainian anti-piracy company Vindex. The link violating the copyright of TRK Ukraine to broadcast football matches pointed to That is, the pirated playlist file was found on Vindex’s own computer.

The publication writes that this file can be a playlist for the Ace Stream P2P platform, which is often used for pirated content.

Since refers to the host computer, Google is technically asked to remove a file from its servers. A file that doesn’t exist. Needless to say, Google hasn’t taken any action in response.TorrentFreak explained.

TorrentFreak writes that Vindex should set up its bots properly. The fact is that the company previously had vague reputation: from all links that Vindex demanded from Google to be removed, a little more than 10% were removed.

Let me remind you that I also talked about the fact that Ukrainian law enforcement discovered a mining farm consisting of thousands of PlayStation 4 consoles.

By Vladimir Krasnogolovy

Vladimir is a technical specialist who loves giving qualified advices and tips on GridinSoft's products. He's available 24/7 to assist you in any question regarding internet security.

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