Greta Thunberg became the most popular character in phishing campaigns

Check Point analysts prepared a traditional monthly report on the most active threats, the Global Threat Index. Greta Thunberg and Christmas became the most popular topics in spamming and phishing campaigns. For already three months, the Emotet Trojan has occupied one of the leading positions among malware: in December, Emotet affected 13% of organizations worldwide,… Continue reading Greta Thunberg became the most popular character in phishing campaigns

Scariest Online Threats You Should Know About

Scariest Online Threats You Should Know About

Today almost every aspect of our life has moved online. And we can be quite happy about it because you no longer need to waste a whole hour to commute to work, you don’t need to go to the bank to make a deposit or you don’t need to go to a shopping center to… Continue reading Scariest Online Threats You Should Know About